The 4th Chair

Air, Plastic and Airpump


Inspired by Joseph Kosuth's One and Three Chairs (1965), my artwork, The 4th Chair, extends the exploration into the essence of a chair and questions the very definition of what makes a chair a chair. Drawing on Plato's doctrine of the Forms, which posits that "chairness" is an ideal concept existing beyond the physical world, this project seeks to create a perfect, transcendent form that goes beyond individual chairs.

In this realm of over-the-top exploration, my artistic focus revolves around pushing the boundaries of conventional chair design. By scrutinizing this mundane object and challenging its traditional form, the objective is to design a 4th chair that not only serves as a functional object but also provides a unique seating experience.

The concept of "chairness" is central to this project, as it explores the pure form of a chair and experiments with the idea of an ideal chair existing independently of any specific manifestation. The resulting artwork takes the form of an inflatable air chair—minimalist, transparent, and formless. The 4th Chair challenges the conventional characteristics of seating, inviting users to interact and actively participate in shaping their unique experience. Upon stepping onto the air pumps, a plastic sheet inflates into a chair, inviting users to take their seats. As they occupy the chair, the gradual release of air prompts its return to a formless state. This cyclical process—requiring users to repeat the air-pumping ritual—echoes Plato's belief that the essence of "chairness" is an eternal concept beyond the material world. While the physical state of the inflatable chair fluctuates with each user, the fundamental idea of a chair as a place to sit remains constant and independent of any single instance.

This artwork redefines the traditional concept of a chair by stripping away its visible characteristics and highlighting its pure essence. Through the repetitive process of rebuilding, it transforms the invisible into the visible, creating an over-the-top experience that emphasizes both the enduring nature of Forms and the uniqueness of each seating encounter. As a conceptual and experiential piece, The 4th Chair challenges conventional norms, pushing the boundaries of design and interaction. By bridging art, philosophy, and everyday life, it encourages viewers to reconsider their relationship with ordinary objects and reflect on how we perceive and engage with the world around us. Furthermore, it invites contemplation on deeper questions about existence, perception, and reality.

©WEI QIN 2025