Echo Flows2024
Comfy UI, Touchdesigner, Media Pipe Face Tracking, Raspberry Pi, LCD Screen Monitor, Webcam
Echo Flows draws inspiration from the Tree Communication Mechanism, exploring the symbiotic ecologies within the online realm, specifically focusing on the personalized algorithms employed by platforms like Pinterest. Similar to the mycorrhizal networks connecting trees, the internet serves as a vast Mycorrhizal Network linking users globally. The internet's algorithmic processes act as digital hyphae, intricately filtering and delivering content to users based on their preferences.
Much like the Pinterest Algorithm Research on the inter-event time distribution and trends in content growth on Pinterest boards, this installation delves into the dynamics of user engagement with online content. The tree roots structure with LED screens symbolizes the expansive communication network of the internet, echoing the intricate connections observed in mycorrhizal networks. Visitors could actively interact with the installation by facing various content displayed on the screens.
In the initial stage, the installation immerses users in a flurry of diverse and rapidly changing content, representing the intense bursts of dynamic content seen in online collection growth. Through a hidden webcam and ultrasonic sensor, we implement a mechanism similar to short-term pinning sprees, calculating user preferences based on gaze duration. As users engage with these interactive bursts, the system adapts to their preferences, mirroring the personalized nature of social media algorithms. The installation encourages reflection on unconscious content filtering, paralleling behaviors observed in the Pinterest algorithm. During each content burst, the generated content will be very similar to users' previous preferences, symbolizing the thematic consistency during active engagement periods.
To represent the growth speed, the project varies depending on time. There will be an increase in the frequency of content changes during the fast bursts stage to symbolize quicker engagement periods, followed by a slowdown to mirror the observed temporal dynamics. Each user will have up to 3 interactive bursts, after which the content displayed will be refreshed. After each burst, we create a pause where users can reflect on the content they've engaged with.
This interactive process not only highlights the unconscious filtering of content by our consciousness but also parallels the observed behaviors within the Pinterest algorithm. The overarching goal remains to raise awareness and prompt self-reflection on online behaviors. By intertwining insights from the Pinterest algorithm research, Echo Flows aim to spark critical thinking about how personalized algorithms influence our digital experiences, shaping our perceptions and connections to the online world.